February 26, 2025
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The SixxiS bandThe SixxiS have captivated their audiences with not only their technical skills, but also with the overall power that their show delivers. The music of The SixxiS presents a core sound of different influences coated in a powerful, heavy, seductive, and emotional shell of sound. The diversity of musical influences allows the band, while performing live, to play to a wider audience, capturing fans with fantastic electric performances, as well as equally impressive acoustic shows.

The SixxiS play music for the sake of music; its’s all about relating the emotions, and this is agreed upon by all members of the band. It’s that kind of musicianship, that kind of chemistry, that lightning in a bottle type of element that makes The SixxiS who they are.

Meet The SixxiS!


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Last modified on Tuesday, 04 August 2015 23:08
Published in English
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