March 29, 2025
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Atlanta Polygraphy and Graphic Art Atlanta Polygraphy and Graphic Art

Appointment Cardsappointment_cards_

Help your customers remember their next appointment

Start on time and stay on schedule

Handy size fits easily into any wallet

Option to add one of thousands of business card designs to the back


Qty               Matte                      Glossy Finish

250               $19.99                    $32.98

500               $29.99                    $48.98

1000             $39.99                    $62.98

1500             $44.99                    $68.98

2000             $49.99                    $74.98


Banner Stands


Qty / Price  


1 - $69.99    

2 - $99.99    

3 - $129.99   

4 - $169.99   

5 - $211.99

Banners Russian House Atlanta





From $15.00 to $250.00





BrochuresBrochures Atlanta Georgia


Qty / Price


25 - $39.99

50 - $59.99

100 - $99.99

250 - $149.99

500 - $289.99


Bumper StickersBumper Stickers Atlanta


Qty / Price


1 - $4.99

2 - $8.99

3 - $14.99

4 - $18.99

5 - $22.99


Business_Card_HoldersBusiness Card Holders



Price Starting at $10.00 to $20.00






Business_Card_StickersBusiness Card Stickers



Qty / Price

1 sheet of 10 $5.99

2 sheets of 11 $8.99

3 sheets of 10 $14.99

4 sheets of 10 $19.99

5 sheets of 10 $23.99


Business-Cards-PremiumBusiness Cards - Premium

Matte Glossy Finish 100-lb*
250       $19.99 $35.98 $34.98
500      $29.99 $51.98 $49.98
1000      $39.99 $65.98 $63.98
1500      $44.99 $71.98 $69.98
2000      $49.99 $77.98 $75.98










* Premium Matte Paper

Poster_CalendarsPoster Calendars


Choose from hundreds of themed designs or upload your photo or logo. Option to create a collage. 


Size: 11" x 17"

1 for $9.99


Wallet_CalendarsWallet Calendars

Hand out this handy reference tool and customize with your contact information. Printed on high-quality matte paper. 


Horizontal: 3.5" x 2".

Vertical: 2" x 3.5"

250 for $24.99


Calendar_MagnetsCalendar Magnets


Make a big impression and keep your name in front of customers, friends and family all year. 


Size: 5.5" x 4"

10 for $17.99



Car Door Magnets

Small Car Door Magnets
1 2 4 6 8
$15.99 $25.99 $39.99 $54.99 $60.99
Large Car Door Magnets
1 2 4 6 8
$23.99 $40.99 $72.99 $109.99 $130.99











Business-Wallet-ChecksBusiness Wallet Checks


Choose a custom design that best suits your company’s image. Space for an optional messaging line.

Single Page Checks

 25 only $7.99


Three-To-A-Page Checks

54 only $24.99



5.47" x 4.21"

Keep your business top of mind with quick announcements, special offers and more.

100 for only $34.99



Flyers Showcase



8.50" x 5.47"

Showcase your most popular products and services and promote your business.

50 for only $25.99



Flyers windshields


8.50" x 10.98"

Put these flyers on windshields or hand out to advertise your business.

25 for only $35.99




Flyers take-away



3.74" x 8.27"

A great take-away item for customers to keep them coming back.

50 for only $19.99




Gift-CertificatesGift Certificates


Qty / Price

10 - $10.99

20 - $17.99

30 - $23.99

40 - $27.99

50 - $30.99





100 $25.99 $37.98
250 $59.99 $85.98
500 $97.99 $137.98
1000 $139.99 $169.98
1500 $155.99 $185.98

Post cards 100 - $37.00
+ Postage $0.26  
+ address list $0.11 per card.

Total cost per card $0.74 including shipping and handling.

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(8 votes)
Last modified on Sunday, 11 October 2020 21:57
Cвобода Слова

Информационно-публицистическое издание в Штате Джоржия (Atlanta, GA) США с 1992 года.
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