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yulianna avdeeva atlanta

Please join us for our next piano recital featuring  

Yulianna Avdeeva,

Sunday, February 8, 2015, 7:00 PM
Roswell Cultural Arts Center

Yulianna Avdeeva has received outstanding international recognition as the winner of the First Prize of the 16th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition (Warsaw, 2010). She is the fourth female to have won this title, after Halina Czerny-Stefańska, Bella Davidovich (equally placed in 1949) and Martha Argerich (1965).

"...This Russian pianist is a revelation. She plays brilliantly with emotion and a magical touch. Her audiences are caught under her spell."                                                          
Le Journal du Médoc

For more information about the artist, please visit our website.

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Last modified on Thursday, 22 January 2015 01:09
Published in English
Cвобода Слова

Информационно-публицистическое издание в Штате Джоржия (Atlanta, GA) США с 1992 года.
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