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Sergei Babayan piano
Save the Date

Sergei Babayan, piano

Sunday, October 18, 2015, 7:00 PM
Roswell Cultural Arts Center

Buy tickets by phone: 770-641-1260 or online

$25 regular
$20 members/seniors
$5 students

Please join the group of devoted members of the Chopin Society of Atlanta.

As a CSA member you will be invited to a private reception with the featured artist following the recital. Other benefits of membership and sponsorship include priority seating and discounted or complimentary tickets to our concerts (please check details on our website). CSA annual membership is $25, and you can join online or send a check payable to "Chopin Society of Atlanta."

For more information about Sergei Babayan, please visit our website.

"Hailed for his emotional intensity, bold energy and remarkable levels of color, Sergei Babayan brings a deep understanding and insight to a stylistically diverse repertoire, which includes a performance history of 54 concertos. Le Figaro has praised his 'unequaled touch, perfectly harmonious phrasing and breathtaking virtuosity."

Opus 3 Artists

The Chopin Society of Atlanta's Annual Fundraiser

Gala Evening with Chopin

Sunday, November 15, 2015
Country Club of the South
Bring your dancing shoes.

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Last modified on Saturday, 05 September 2015 00:30
Published in English
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