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Илья Якушев Илья Якушев Концерт в Атланте

Илья Якушев Победитель международного конкурса пианистов в Синсиннати в 2005 году,
лауреат многочисленных престижных премий.

Chopin Society of Atlanta

Концерт в Атланте 25 Марта
Воскресенье, 7 часов вечера
В помещении Roswell Cultural Arts Center
Билеты по телефону 770-641-1260 или online

Илья Якушев родился в Санкт-Петербурге, учился в музыкальном училище им. Римского-Корсакова у Вильяма Матыгулина, а с 2000 года в Маннес-колледже в Нью-Йорке у Владимира Фельцмана.

Илья Якушев – лауреат Фортепианного конкурса юных артистов Санкт-Петербурга. Два раза он выигрывал первую премию на Международном конкурсе пианистов Donostia Hiria в Сан-Себастьяне, Испания. Его самым большим успехом стала победа на Международном фортепианном конкурсе в Цинциннати, Atlanta Ilya YakushevОгайо. Став лауреатом Международного фортепианного фестиваля Маннес-колледжа, Илья Якушин выступил с Третьим фортепианным концертом С. Прокофьева в Элис-Тулли-холле в нью-йоркском Линкольн-центре. Пианист гастролирует по всему миру: США, Россия, Италия, Германия, Испания. В 2010 году он выступил вместе с Лондонским концертным оркестром BBC.

В 2005 году Илья Якушев получил золотую медаль в финале 49-го ежегодного международного конкурса пианистов в Цинциннати. Тогда исполнитель представил публике “Concerto No 3” Прокофьева вместе с оркестром The World Festival Orchestra под управлением Eric Dudley, ассистента дирижёра Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. В качестве обладателя золотой медали, пианист получил награду Robison Foundation/B Robison Sporck-Stegmaier Award в размере 35 тысяч долларов.

Concert of the Russian pianist Ilya Yakushev in Atlanta

Winner of the international piano competition in Cincinnati in 2005,
Holder of numerous prestigious awards.
March 25th
Sunday, 7pm
Located at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center
Order tickets by calling 770-641-1260 or online

Russian pianist Ilya Yakushev, with many awards and honors to his credit, continues to astound and mesmerize audiences at major venues on three continents. He made his San Francisco Symphony debut in 2007 with Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas, performing Prokofiev’s First and Fourth Piano Concertos as part of the Symphony’s “Prokofiev Festival”. His performances were included in the top ten classical music events of the year by the San Francisco Chronicle, and prompted a return to the Symphony in September 2009 with Maestro Tilson Thomas performing Prokofiev’s 3rd Piano Concerto.

The highlights of Yakushev’s 2010-11 season included a performance of Rachmaninoff’s Second Piano Concerto with the BBC Concert Orchestra and Keith Lockhart in London, prior to touring the work (along with Mendelssohn’s First Concerto) in 15 American cities with the Orchestra and Maestro Lockhart. He also performed the Rachmaninoff Second with the Rhode Island Philharmonic and Larry Rachleff in September 2010, the Syracuse Symphony and Daniel Hege in October 2010, and Des Moines Symphony and Joseph Giunta in May 2011. In July 2011, Mr. Yakushev appeared with the Rochester Philharmonic and the Brevard Sinfonia at the Brevard Music Center.

In March 2011, Mr. Yakushev made an extensive 18-city recital tour throughout the Midwest; his other recital appearances included performances at the Mostly Mozart Festival at Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall and at Xavier University in Cincinnati.

Mr. Yakushev’s orchestral engagements in the 2011-12 season include a return appearance with the Rhode Island Philharmonic as well as performances with the Edmonton Symphony, the Wichita Symphony, the Fort Wayne Philharmonic, the Cheyenne Symphony, and the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra. He will also perform recitals in Tokyo, New York, Tennessee, and Minnesota, as well as returns to the Four Seasons series in Berkeley, CA and the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls.

In October 2010, Mr. Yakushev released two CDs on IY-Records label – “Prokofiev by Yakushev” and “Bach Partitas No. 1,2, & 3”. American Record Guide wrote “Yakushev is one of the very best young pianists before the public today, and it doesn’t seem to matter what repertoire he plays – it is all of the highest caliber”.

Yakushev attracted international attention in December 2006, presenting solo recitals at such venues as the Bechstein Center in Berlin and Vienna’s Musikverein. He also toured Southeast Asia, performing in Singapore and Malaysia. In past seasons, he has performed in various prestigious venues worldwide, including Glinka Philharmonic Hall (St. Petersburg), Victoria Hall (Singapore), Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall (New York), Davies Symphony Hall (San Francisco), and Sejong Performing Arts Center (Seoul, Korea). His performances with orchestra include the Kirov Orchestra, Las Vegas Philharmonic, Eastern Connecticut Symphony, and others.

Winner of the 2005 World Piano Competition which took place in Cincinnati, OH, Mr. Yakushev received his first award at age 12 as a prizewinner of the Young Artists Concerto Competition in his native St. Petersburg. In 1997, he received the Mayor of St. Petersburg's Young Talents award, and in both 1997 and 1998, he won First Prize at the Donostia Hiria International Piano Competition in San Sebastian, Spain. In 1998, he received a national honor, The Award for Excellence in Performance, presented to him by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation in Moscow. Most recently, Mr. Yakushev became a recipient of the prestigious Gawon International Music Society’s Award in Seoul, Korea.

Mr. Yakushev attended the Rimsky-Korsakov College of Music in his native St. Petersburg, Russia, and subsequently came to New York City to attend Mannes College of Music where he studied with legendary pianist Vladimir Feltsman.

Since 2002, Mr. Yakushev has served as Executive Director of the International Keyboard Institute and Festival at Mannes, founded and directed by Jerome Rose.
Ilya Yakushev Atlanta
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Last modified on Saturday, 25 February 2012 20:32
Cвобода Слова

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