March 26, 2025
ukraine support 1 ukraine support 2


Atlanta World Trade, Inc.

1185 Grimes Bridge Rd

Roswell, GA 30075

Tell: 770-643-7997, 770-789-7761



Our company, Atlanta World Trade, Inc. and   "Russian House" newspaper, located in Atlanta GA offers translation services, including out of state services as well . We reviewed information received from you in which you asked for an interpreter to participate business meeting and support groups. According to your request we would like to announce, that our company is ready to provide such a service with the following rates:


Our regular charges for Atlanta guests and business groups in State of Georgia are vary from $75 - $150.00 USD per hour.



Documents translation service:

Birth Certificates

Marriage Certificates

Certificates of Divorce


Extraction to Diplomas

Evaluation of Diplomas



Assistance in preparing the documents for applying to the Russian Embassy:


Powers of Attorney

Certificates of Fact of Being alive


and etc.

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Last modified on Thursday, 26 May 2011 00:36
Cвобода Слова

Информационно-публицистическое издание в Штате Джоржия (Atlanta, GA) США с 1992 года.
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