March 26, 2025
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Kennesaw State University 2017

Photo Exhibit highlighting Russia, is going to open in Kennesaw State Univ in March.

We need help!

During the academic year of 2016-2017, Kennesaw State University is observing the Year of Russia. This year Kennesaw State University is organizing a photography exposition at its campus. These photographs were taken in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and other cities and towns of Russia, not so well-known and therefore they are of a particular interest. Since the project is non-profit, its implementation depends entirely on the effectiveness of a fundraising campaign.

What We Need & What You Get

According to our calculation, the amount of an estimated $6,800 is enough for preparing and holding the exposition. This amount is distributed as follows:
  • Budget $6,864
  • Exposition: 25 printed large-scale and applied to plexi $150 each = $3,750
  • Hardware for Installation $25 each x 25 = $625                
  • Additional texts printed for exhibition $350
  • Leaflet designed & printed for exhibition $750          
  • Crating and shipping costs for exhibition $315
  • Indiegogo fees $624
  • Cost for Perks $450

KSU check out
Having taken the decision to look for the help of sponsorship, we will be happy to express our respect and gratitude to those who seem it possible to become our donors. For this, we provide several options. Each person who makes a donation to our fund will be mentioned on the list of sponsors. This list will be arranged on a banner at the opening of the exposition. In addition, we will send to our honorable sponsors the samples of Oleg Koryagin’s works as postcards, photographs printed on paper or canvas with a note of gratitude from the photographer. We will attach a brochure about KSU exposition, information about author, and list of all sponsors.

What happens with the donations, if we don’t collect the necessary amount? If the amount of money collected is not enough for preparing and holding of the exposition in the form we plan, we will simply reduce the number of photographs presented at the exhibition. In other words, if we are not able to print 25 photographs of 24x36 size, we will print 20… 17… 15… or even 10. No matter what happens, the exposition has to be held, and we will do our best to make it happen. We are sure that with your help we will be able to achieve our goal.

Other Ways You Can Help

It's understandable that making a monetary contribution isn't always easy. If you're not able to, no worries. Perhaps you can help in other ways! Please, spread the word. Repost and share this campaign on your social media site and it definitely will help us to make our project real! Simply help us make some noise about our campaign. Any support is appreciated!

KSU check out
If you know of any space that would be willing to host this exhibition in a future, please get in touch!

Thank you!
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Last modified on Thursday, 02 March 2017 23:29
Published in English
Cвобода Слова

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