March 26, 2025
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Don't make me laugh with your “Iskanders” Cartoons by Sergey Elkin

Throughout the entire known history of mankind, there have been many shameful pages containing statistics on the extermination of their own population by dictators, tyrants and crazy leaders who seized power each of them at one time or another.

In the monstrous statistics, the bloodiest was China under the great Mao. Even Stalin in the USSR could not reach his "highest" results in exterminating his own population.

Probably, the illegitimate president of Russia Putin would like to come out on top in the world in this "competition", but the demographic indicators of the country are sad, because the population of Russia does not even amount to 80 million people, judging by the indicators of the civil registry system in the Russian Federation, which gives objective figures. The sadness of Russian demography is primarily due to the fact that the country is occupied by a gang of greedy monsters, for whom there is no “reason” to care about things that do not fit into their value system:

“to have power that allows them to steal freely and rule dictatorially”

The occupiers of the country in which “Putin and friends” were born and illegally came to power, all demonstrate to the world their impenetrable stupidity. With the advent of the current millennium, the world has never seen such harm inflicted on Russia by the occupation gang.

For all twenty-five years, starting in 2000, they shook the air with “achievements that have no analogues,” fed their people with “national projects” that served only to embezzle money and were never implemented, because there were no such goals. The rule of Putin, who was not elected but usurped presidential power, began with the disaster of the nuclear submarine “Kursk”. Sinful Putin decided not to save the submarine crew in order to hide his secret intentions to sell China the latest torpedoes capable of upsetting the parity of forces that existed in the world at the time. At the same time, there was a criminal war in Chechnya, in which Putin hid the criminal plunder of weapons from the Western Group of Forces, the collapsed Warsaw Pact, and at the same time destroyed a lot of units of the Russian Army. Terrorist attacks were constantly taking place, including those organized with the help of a criminal group called the FSB of Russia. An attack on citizens' freedoms, the theft of Yukos and the arrest of Khodorkovsky, which marked the beginning of the outright lawlessness of the new dictator of Russia. In 2008, Putin and company attacked Georgia and annexed Abkhazia. They bribed FIFA and staged the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, where they stole capital that would have been enough for ten such Olympics, plus they made a scandal with doping tests of "Russian" athletes, and before that they annexed Crimea, simultaneously organizing a clown show with the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. At the same time, Putin was killing his own enemies all over the world and in Russia:
- Anna Politkovskaya, Alexander Litvinenko, Boris Nemtsov, Alexei Navalny...
These names are enough for a tribunal for Putin.

Putin's people "bought and held" the World Cup in 2018, when the world had already shown "Russian fascism" in eastern Ukraine, and I put an equal sign between the Russian Football Championship and the 1938 Olympic Games in Nazi Germany... The Kremlinites attacked Ukraine in 2022, and this war is destroying Russia itself, although the "Kremlin windbags" claim that the whole world attacked them.
But they can wage this insane and criminal fascist war on the last "Russian", because THEY ARE THE OCCUPIERS. Human life is worth nothing to them.

Literally everything they undertake falls apart, burns, does not work. Traditionally, throughout their history, they blame anyone for their troubles, but not themselves. The imperial greatness of the “Russians” has twisted the brains of almost the entire population of the country so that they can’t see anything under their feet, and traditionally “SOMEONE” is to blame for their own discomfort, but not themselves.

The great weapons of Russia in the Ukrainian campaign of the under-Führer Putin have shown that they are as fake as everything the Kremlinites say. Their missiles often fly in the wrong direction, their potential regularly explodes in the silos.

The pincers of Western Sanctions, which regularly and progressively squeeze Putin’s throat, have a couple more pressures left to make to kill the state system of Russia under the poisonous brand of “United Russia”. Once I said that the entire state apparatus of Russia must be bulldozed to ZERO. The state system of Russia must be built according to new patterns under the supervision of external management of a coalition of Western countries, as, for example, was done after the Second World War in West Germany for decades.

“Russians” need to move their legs in building a new system of power after the overthrow of Putin’s occupying power. It is necessary to methodically and for a long time knock out the brains of the country’s population: corruption, rank worship, aggressiveness, envy, arrogance, hypocrisy, deceit, selfishness, impudence, indifference, irresponsibility, greed...
Probably, one can list for a long time the negative parameters that must be fought in people…

However, today in the West, there are ideas to negotiate peace with Putin.
This is unacceptable idiocy. Now the world has been given the opportunity by Putin himself to put an end to the history of Russia's crimes and forget about the nightmares of the "Russian World". Russia must subsequently repent to the world for its crimes against humanity. Lustration must be declared for those who intend to work in the Russian government. It should not include people who in one way or another supported the Bolsheviks before the collapse of the USSR and the current gang of Putin's bandits.

The 47th President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced that he is ready to sit down at the negotiating table with Putin to achieve peace in Ukraine. This is an absolutely absurd idea that can be explained on an associative level:

Imagine that an investigator is conducting a formal interrogation of a serial killer and maniac whose guilt has been proven many times, but the investigator offers this maniac freedom on the condition that the maniac stops his crimes, which will be provided for by the clause of the agreement.
Oh-oh-oh! What a tempting offer for a criminal! Having committed a lot of murders and maniacal acts, the criminal is tired, he needs to rest, gain strength, etc. He, of course, will sign any agreement in exchange for the opportunity to recover, and then continue to follow his criminal nature!

The same thing is happening with the Kremlin in the current phase of its war in Ukraine. The occupiers now need a serious break to gain strength, build new formulas of aggression, accumulate weapons, put pressure on bought politicians, bought propagandists and useful idiots all over the world. They intend to step over the heads of anyone's corpses in order to become the world's dominant force.

The Kremlin gang gave life to a narrative for its useful idiots:
"Don't make me laugh with my Iskanders".

And today I say:


Arthur Ginsburg
Freedom of Speech

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Last modified on Friday, 17 January 2025 15:56
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