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collapsed I-85 bridge open
Georgia DOT crews have been working around the clock to reopen the bridge over Piedmont Road in Atlanta since the March 30 collapse.

ATLANTA, GA - Commuters who have had to uproot their traffic patterns around midtown Atlanta due to the collapsed I-85 bridge over Piedmont Road can now break out in a happy dance, as Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has announced the interstate will reopen by Monday.

Yes, you read that correctly. Monday, May 15. Less than a week away, more than a week ahead of the previous projection that the rebuilding could be done by Memorial Day weekend, and a month before the original June 15 time frame given by officials.

Deal's announcement was made Wednesday morning in a press conference held with Georgia DOT Commissioner Russell McMurry.

"I am pleasantly surprised by the short time frame and we all should be," Gov. Deal said. "As I said earlier, it is a testament to the dedication of a lot of people and we should all be thankful for that, but this is a good news story today."

By Kristal Dixon (Patch Staff) - May 10, 2017 12:18 pm ET
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Last modified on Wednesday, 10 May 2017 22:33
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