February 26, 2025
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Unfounded and harmful rhetoric of Russia Wikimedia Commons, public domain, freely licensed

The Russian Empire was born in 1721, according to the decree of Emperor Peter the Great on the establishment of the state, that is, Russia is older than the "young state" of the USA by only 55 years, and no ancient history of this country simply exists. In addition,

Rus and Russia are different concepts and different histories. The spread of the myth of its antiquity by Russia everywhere is nothing more than a cheap counterfeit created by the Empress of German origin Catherine the Second. Before Peter the Great, no Russia, as well as Russians, did not exist, by the way, as did the Russian language, created in the 18th century. An important point in the emergence of the Russian language: it was invented as "ESPERANTO" to unite all the peoples colonized by Russia to create the Russian Nation. It is for this reason that the Russian state has been harshly Russifying all the territories of its colonies from West to East and from North to South for more than three hundred years. Even Muscovy and St. Petersburg are alien civilizations, on the foundations of which Russia, invented by Peter the Great, arose.

During the short history of the Russian state, its official representatives tirelessly use openly false rhetoric in relations with the external and internal worlds, according to medical definitions, as owners of diagnoses of mentally ill psychopathic idiots, and periodically epileptics. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the medical histories of all the leaders of this "Great and Holy", as they call themselves.

Here, for example, is today's war of Russia against Ukraine, and at the same time against the entire civilized world. The Kremlinites constantly draw "red-brown" lines to the West, allegedly upon crossing which Russia will respond to everyone with its "Armageddon". The lines intersect, but there is no response, because there is nothing to respond with. And this is happening not only in the war they started, where the Kremlin believes (what a diagnosis) that no one has the right to use weapons on Russian territory (a strange privilege for an aggressor country), but also in all spheres of life. The country's Chief Fool-bearer claims that Russia has the most freedoms and the most wonderful life for its population. Apparently, for these reasons, the exodus from the country does not stop, as has the population decline for the last twenty-five years. He also claims that Russian science is ahead of the rest of the world, and that representatives of the enemy West are becoming "Nobel laureates". The Fool-bearer claims that Russia's economy has long since overtaken many Western countries. It seems that this is the reason why he is looking for help throughout the underdeveloped world and begging for help. And he is helped exclusively by the enemies of Civilization. The bloodthirsty Fool-bearer, like all the bloodthirsty ones before him, is thirsty to dominate the world, accompanying this thirst with absolutely stupid rhetoric based on complete lies. The argument about Russians caring outside Russia is old, hackneyed, smelling of mothballs and untrue. If the Fool is worried about "Russians" abroad, why not first take care of "Russians" in Russia, where they are dying like flies, scared to death, and many are mentally disturbed, and they advocate for the continuation of the war. The same was the rhetoric of Adolf Hitler before the beginning of World War II, which was unleashed in collaboration with Joseph Stalin and the USSR. Only "Russians", for obvious reasons, believe that the war in their country began not in September 1939, but on June 22, 1941. The strange "Great Patriotic War" forcibly integrated into the fabric of World War II is also a lying rhetoric of the USSR state. In September 1939, the USSR waged World War II on Hitler's side as an aggressor, for which the USSR was expelled from the League of Nations, and in June 1941, another war suddenly began after Hitler turned his weapons against the USSR. Someday, historians and politicians will give an impartial assessment of these events. The jubilation of the "Russians" that they won World War II is ridiculous... This war ended only after Japan (to which, by the way, the USSR supplied oil products until 1943 and stopped doing so after a "remark" from the USA) signed a capitulation after the American bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The "Russians" always foam in anger condemning this bombing, but they do not attach importance to the fact that this was the end of the war, that if not for this fact, it is unknown how many thousands of "Russians" would have died in the ongoing war. And in this regard, I would like to ask a question: what are the "Russians" doing in Ukraine today? Isn't the use of chemical and other prohibited types of weapons in Ukraine an international crime? And who attacked you or was going to attack you? And aren't executions and torture of peaceful Ukrainians crimes? And when "Russians" shoot down civilian planes - isn't that a crime? When will you - the "God-bearing people" start asking yourselves questions about what you are doing and why you live? Unfortunately, history has no such examples!

Russia's paranoid rhetoric continues and there is no end to it....

Arthur Ginsburg

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Last modified on Sunday, 24 November 2024 21:50
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Published since 1992.

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