March 26, 2025
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Since 2003, in Atlanta, the under-publishing "RUSSIAN TOWN", began its garbage activity (we kindly ask you not to confuse this misunderstanding with the anti-Putin publishing house Russia House Publishing, the former newspaper "Russian House", born back in 1992.

In the period from August to November 2021, the Russian House was transformed into the FREEDOM OF SPEECH publishing house, which became a resource for publications about the Russian war in Ukraine and a powerful point for collecting humanitarian aid for Ukraine, as well as organizing assistance to refugees from Ukraine and Russia here in the USA). It was the Freedom of Speech resource that initiated the creation of the ATLANTA2UKRAINE charitable foundation, led by Svetlana Leshchenko, known to many for her activities.

In 2007, the under-journalist Dimon Goroshin published in his funny online resource (he naively considers this resource the most modern and advanced) an article dedicated to the under-president of Russia and Putin. In this eructation of Russian propaganda, stupid Goroshin praised the Russian “leader” and called on all “Russian” emigrants to look up to an international criminal, to take an example from Putin.
In 2017-2018, an active agitation unfolded in the Russian Town dump, calling for voting in the Russian presidential elections in March 2018 in the office of their Russian dump in Atlanta (which is a crime, because diplomatic missions do not have the right to conduct political actions outside their territories), accompanying their propaganda ecstasy with rotten formulas about the observance of the Russian constitution and the rights of Russian citizens.

With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Freedom of Speech, together with the Atlanta2Ukraine Foundation, organized a collection of humanitarian aid for Ukraine.
From the April issue of the FREEDOM OF SPEECH magazine, its editors began to place a statement on the page of the Committee for Combating Russian Propaganda that the Russian Town non-magazine is a sponsor of Russian Terror.

Dimon was offended. In general, he is a touchy guy and narrow-minded in an intellectual sense. Well, for example, how can one evaluate his snitching on the publishing house "Russian House" through the Russian Embassy in the United States in favor of the KGB? Or, how can one evaluate the actions of this creature Gorokhovy, when, at his suggestion, the Russia House newspapers were systematically thrown out of the territory of the Buford Farmers Market, and his girlfriend Vera Logvinova, who worked in this market, simply stole seven racks for Russia House newspapers. In a conversation with me, the owner of the publishing house Arthur Ginsburg, Vera said that she would not allow the publishing house to publish advertisements for competitors of “her market” in the Russian House. I had a question, when did Vera manage to become the owner of the market? My conversation with the real owner of the shopping center lowered Vera to the ground.

So. Dimon was offended and did not come up with anything smarter, filed a lawsuit against Freedom of Speech in an American court.

On January 4, 2023, a hearing was held in the Fulton County court in the case of Russian City against FREEDOM OF SPEECH publishing house. In the hearing, "Russian Town" lost the case. It looked strange when a pro-Putin structure was trying to sue the Freedom of Speech Company for Freedom of Speech in a country where one of the first paragraphs of the US Declaration of Independence guarantees freedom of speech!!!
This fact colorfully characterizes the state of gray matter in the community of the "Russian Town" and the pro-Putin "Russian World".

During the hearing, the lawyer from Russian City, repeatedly changing the configuration of sentence construction, asked the same question about Arthur Ginsburg's goal (my goal) in publishing a statement about Russian Town - the sponsor of Russian terror.
The answer was clear:
- No matter how many times you try to ask me the same question, replacing the words with their synonyms, my answer will be one: Russian Town is a sponsor of Russian Terror!

The same lawyer did not calm down and asked meaningless questions. He did an investigation into my environment, which is actually a simple process. Having looked at the page of the "Committee to Combat Russian Propaganda" I found the names of the members of the committee Nadia Bryant and Watson Bryant, and decided to torment me with questions about who they are and who they bring me. (For reference: Watson Bryant is one of the most famous US lawyers who won all the cases against Richard Jewel, who was accused of the explosion in Centennial Park in 1996 during the Atlanta Olympics. News channels not only in the USA rattled about the events that unfolded around this for several years. Today, the Watson method is studied in all law schools in America, and in 2020, Clint Eastwood made the feature film Richard Jewell, the screenplay for which, by agreement with the director, Watson Bryant completely remade, considering that the one provided to him for study did not reflect the reality of events). I asked the lawyer a counter question:

- Do you know who Watson Bryant is?
- No, - he answered.
- Well, then visit GOOGLE and search for this name to get complete information.

When the same lawyer began to provide information to the court on the topic of the presidential elections held in Russia in the office of the "Russian Town", in the sense that the constitution of Russia and the rights of its citizens to free elections were only observed ... Ginsburg (that is, I) intervened in his fiery speech, voicing his views and beliefs on this topic:

- There is no constitution in Russia. It's just an empty and broken declaration. Citizens of Russia have no rights in their own country. There have been no elections in Russia since 2000, when Putin did not win his first election but usurped power. There was a criminal revolution and a coup d’état in 2000.
And I also added that people should be judged not by words but by deeds, that here in court there are a lot of correct words from the side of the “victim”, but the words are not supported by actions, that Putin pronounces beautiful words throughout his activity, dresses them in fabulous formulas, but his deeds demonstrate inconsistency with all spoken speeches.

Lawyers from the FREEDOM OF SPEECH publishing asked questions that were uncomfortable for a pea. For example, Dimon sent a statement to the court on a mass of points that he had nothing to do with Putin and Russia, that he had never published anything about the President of Russia, that he was not involved in any organizations associated with the Russian Federation.
To begin with, our side told the court that the Russian embassy in the United States, with which the pea has a "hickeyed" friendship, is a branch of the KGB / FSB. The fact speaks for itself: peas are their agent. Next, the demon was asked a series of questions:
- Mr. Goroshin, you state in your statement sent to the court that you have never written articles about Putin. This is true?
- Yes, - they will answer with excitement.
- Then attention to the screen - and the lawyer brought to the display the article "Who are we", signed by a pea, as the author. It featured a portrait of Putin, and the text contained an abundance of nectar about the merits of Putin, about his greatness, as well as calls for emigrants to take an example from him. - Is this your article? The lawyer continued.
Goroshin began to bleat something unintelligible. The lawyer had to repeat the question three times with a proposal to answer Yes! Or not!
- Yes! -sounded tragic.
- You claim that you have never been a member of any organizations and had no relation to any organizations associated with the Russian state.
- Yes, - answered the goroshin.
- Attention to the screen - continued the lawyer. The website of the Russian-American Federation of Business appeared on the monitor, where the pea is listed as a member board of directors. - Is that your name? - then everything was repeated and it is no longer interesting.
Dimon was convicted of lying before the court.

On January 5, the court ruled in favor of the FREEDOM OF SPEECH publishing house. We have moved on to preparing the next hearing on January 24th.
This hearing on the part of Russian Town was attended by one lawyer who did not provide the court with any additional or new information about the harm from the activities FREEDOM OF SPEECH publishing. Like a mantra, he repeated the same idea that the publishing house and I personally brought down the reputation of the “beautiful Russian Town” due to competition, in order to take away business from it.

I would like to note that immediately after the court decision in our favor at the first hearing, my lawyers sent the lawyer “Dimon Goroshin” (he is now with us, like Putin, a common noun) a proposal to withdraw the lawsuit from the court, because Dimon’s case is hopeless, because its continuation will only increase the damage to the Russian Town itself as a result of the final decision of the court. But the Russian Town and its pride repeated the mistakes of Putin, who continues his criminal war, getting punched in the face every day.

So it turns out that goroshin, having filed a lawsuit against Freedom of Speech, stunned himself with the fact that difficult times are coming for him. How will the community of the "Russian Town" get out of the tragedy that has developed for them?..

Arthur Ginsburg
February 2023

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Last modified on Monday, 29 May 2023 21:10
Published in English, Статьи
Arthur Ginsburg

Артур Гинзбург родился в 1957 году 31 октября. В 1976 году окончил школу военных корреспондентов В 1989 году защитил диплом с учёной степенью магистра архитектуры в Ростовском Архитектурном институте. Возглавлял межбанковское объединение «Менатеп» по Югу России.

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