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Ewa Poblocka Atlanta 2016

The Multi Trio Concert in Roswell Cultural Arts Center

Ewa Pobłocka, piano

Ewa Leszczyńska, voice and piano

Maria Leszczyńska, cello and piano

In the program: music by Fryderyk Chopin, Ignacy Paderewski, and compositions written especially for the trio by contemporary composers.

Sunday, October 9, 2016, 7 PM

Roswell Cultural Arts Center

more info

950 Forrest Street
Roswell, GA 30075
(404) 245-6133

A Bit of Family History
Many years ago, before she graduated from the Music Academy in Gdańsk and won the laurels at international competitions, Ewa Pobłocka accompanied her mother, singer Zofia Janukowicz-Pobłocka, at the piano. The repertoire of that duo consisted mainly of Polish chants, as well as masterpieces of European vocal art. As time sometimes seems to go in circles, in 2013 Ewa Pobłocka performed together with Ewa Poblocka trio Atlanta 2016her daughters Ewa Leszczyńska and Maria Leszczyńska as the Multi Trio. The idea came from Hubert Pobłocki, their father and grandfather. Their friends were also very supportive. The first concert of the family trio took place in Wejherowo, which happened to be where Ewa Pobłocka made her stage début accompanying her mother.

The Trio
Three generations are represented on stage: the mother at the piano, the elder daughter doing vocals and playing the piano, and the younger daughter playing the piano, cello and saxophone. They perform using various configurations and different combinations of instruments. Since there are not many original compositions for a trio, the group relies on adaptations and arrangements of the selected works, with masterpieces of Romanticism being the core of their repertoire. The Multi Trio actively promotes Polish contemporary music, regularly inviting young musicians to collaborate. The trio was warmly applauded at great many concerts and festivals in Antonin, Radziejowice and Warsaw. Works written especially for the group will be an additional attraction for the audience. Having received more and more invitations, the Multi Trio will perform at renowned venues outside of Poland in 2016.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 22:35
Published in English
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